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Follow these steps to prepare your contest entry form:
(Mail-In Entry): To enter without purchasing an NFT, (a) visit https://www.Visionvault.club/BossBananaAMOE, (b) generate a "Mail-In Entry Form" and complete in its entirety, providing full name, phone number, e-mail address, QR Code for a valid Solana network wallet, verifying eligibility, and accepting the Official Rules; © print the Mail-in Entry Form; (d) insert it into an envelope, and mail with sufficient postage to: 3200 Summit Blvd., PO Box 15693, West Palm Beach, FL, 33416. Up to six (6) Mail-In Entry Forms per envelope. Mail-in Entry Forms must include all requested information, be postmarked no later than March 21st, 2025, and received by Sponsor no later than 5:00pm ET on March 28th, 2025 to be valid. For each valid Mail-in Entry Form received by Sponsor, Entrant will receive fifty (50) Entries into the Promotion. Proof of mailing does not constitute proof of delivery. All Mail-In Entries become the property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned.